PTH Technika – About Us
Technical and Commercial Enterprise PTH „TECHNIKA” Ltd. is based in Gliwice and is a company with over 30 years history. The company was registered in the District Court in Katowice on August 30, 1988.
PTH Technika is one of the few Polish companies from the SME sector that has been operating in the field of recycling for many years, including the recycling of chemical power sources. At the beginning of its activity, the company was operating in processing and recycling of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE). The first innovative technology implemented in the company’s operations (in the area of recycling) was the technology of treatment of waste CRT glass for production of slag-generating flux. In 2011-2016, the installation operated by Technika was applied to produce about 6,000 tons of the flux used in lead melting furnaces in Legnica. This innovative solution provided possibility for simultaneous recovery of lead (the lead content in the material was about 16%) and application of other chemical components as effective slag-forming additives, resulting in reduction of energy consumption of lead-bearing material smelting by shortening of the smelting cycle. In 2012 this solution was awarded with the Silver Medal at the 61st Fair of Invention, Research and New Techniques „Brussels INNOVA 2012” and is patent protected in Poland. The flux production was carried out until 2018. The technology was sold in 2016 in order to raise funds for new activities, including support for innovative and economically developing projects of metal recycling in the field of electromobility, and specifically the recovery of valuable components from waste and scrap chemical power sources, including lithium-ion batteries.
The company successfully cooperates with leading Polish research institutes and universities (e.g. AGH University of Technology, Institute for Ecology of Industrial Areas, Center for Environmental Research at the University of Warsaw, Institute for Chemical Processing of Coal and Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals) in development and implementation of new products and technologies in the field of waste recycling. Particularly noteworthy is the cooperation with the ŁUKASIEWICZ Research Network – Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals in Gliwice, whose scientists have developed many innovative technologies into high technology readiness level, concerning recycling of chemical power sources, both zinc-carbon and alkaline cells as well as nickel-metal hydride and – importantly – lithium-ion batteries. This cooperation has been going on for many years, and since 2014 has been intensified through execution of many joint research projects, such as development of a new technology for production of commercial products from fractions resulting from the processing of zinc-carbon and alkaline batteries and others.

Paweł Gajowski – CEO
Graduated from Szczecin University of Technology with MSc – electrical engineer degree. He has a R&D background, being employed in the past in the Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals where he was responsible for development of new equipment and technologies for treatment of metal ores, pyro and hydrometallurgical processes of non-ferrous metals and implementation of developed solutions into industrial practice, launching of industrial installations, obtaining 12 patents in the described above scope.
He has been the manager of PTH Technika Ltd since 1988, responsible for management of R&D processes and transfer of new technologies to daughter companies to acquire necessary environmental and legal permits and commercialization of the technologies.
In the years 2009- 2017 he was running of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Processing Plant, focusing on implementation of CRT glass recycling technology and production of slag-forming flux for metallurgical applications.
Since 2016 he has been managing Technika Recykling Ltd., a company seeking to start the construction recycling plant of a black mass from zinc-carbon and alkaline batteries and having all the required permits in this regard.
Since 2018 he also is in charge of LITHIUM Ltd. – a company trying to launch construction of the plant for lithium-ion battery recycling.